




In the interviews conducted, it was evaluated that services were provided with a network of physical branches, ATM, mobile branches in order to maintain customer requests uninterrupted at almost every point in the region. In order to further expand the service network in a short time, the technical studies carried out to reactivate the branches that are available and the possibilities of cooperation in the creation of temporary service units were discussed.

The following additional decisions have been taken as a recommendation for our customers affected by the earthquake Oct.:

1. Regarding our individual and real person commercial enterprises in Adiyaman, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, Osmaniye provinces and Islahiye and Nurdağı districts of Gaziantep province; (until August 31, 2023)

used before 06.02.2023 and due by 31.08.2023; postponement of existing used funds / installments and non-cash financing commissions (not exceeding 31.08.2023) for 6 months without profit/delay penalty from the point of view of real person commercial enterprises; from the point of view of individual customers, the relevant installments should be added to the end of the term related to financing without profit / delay penalty,

No collection should be made from our member merchants regarding lost/lost POS devices,

No commission is taken from banking products and services,

Non-accrual of individual and corporate credit card fees for the year 2023,

Postponement of compensated non-cash loans for 6 months without dividends,

Member business/POS usage fees will not be charged during 2023,

Foreclosure, enforcement, pursuit, etc. regarding administrative practices (within the framework of the Presidential Decree)

Failure to initiate follow-up for all receivables, failure to apply foreclosure, execution sales transactions, etc. no action taken,

Postponement of payment periods in structured receivables without paying dividends/delay penalty,

If an eviction decision has been made, not applying this decision, not filing a complaint for breach of commitment, stopping previously initiated follow-ups at the request of the borrower, postponing sales in files received on the day of sale,

Discontinuation of automatic collection for creditor customers who are being followed up,

Removal of tracking blocks on customer accounts,

Failure to attempt an active collection effort, albeit by administrative means, for overdue redeemed funds,

Suspension of communication and collection activities for our customers who have not yet been transferred to tracking accounts, who cannot and are not expected to be able to pay back the funds used on time, who have not yet been transferred to tracking accounts

2. Postponement of the fund debts/installments and non-cash financing commissions of our individual and real person commercial enterprises in other provinces located in the earthquake zone for 1 month without dividend/ delay penalty,

3. Offering the possibility of postponement to existing outstanding fund debts / installments to be evaluated on a customer basis if our customers who are outside the above scope, located in the earthquake zone and damaged by the earthquake request and certify that they have been damaged (until 31.08.2023),

4. The financing debts of our individual and real person commercial customers who died in the earthquake, the insurance payables subject to financing are deducted from the financing debt, and the remaining debts are deleted afterwards,

It is submitted to the information of the public. Best regards,

Association of Participation Banks of Turkey